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Plastic industry chemicals



Plastic industry chemicals play an important role in plastic production. They help increase the product's durability, bearing capacity, shine and abrasion resistance. In this article, we will learn about plastic chemicals and their applications in plastic production.
Part 1: What are plastic industry chemicals?
Plastic chemicals are additives used in plastic production to improve the physical and chemical properties of the product. Plastic chemicals include softeners, gloss agents, colorants and volume enhancers.
Part 2: Types of plastic industry chemicals and their applications in plastic production
2.1 Softener
Softeners are plastic industry chemicals used to increase the flexibility of plastic products. They are widely used in the production of plastic packaging, water pipes and electronic accessories. The most common softeners are phthalates and adipate.
2.2 Gloss agent
Gloss agents are plastic industry chemicals used to increase the gloss and transparency of plastic products. They are used in the production of plastic products such as bottles, jars, decorations and household items. The most common gloss agents are polystyrene and polymethyl methacrylate.
2.3 Coloring agents
Colorants are plastic industry chemicals used to color plastic products. They are widely used in the production of plastic products such as toys, decorations and household products. The most common colorants are titanium dioxide and iron oxide.
2.4 Volume creating agent
Volume enhancers are plastic industry chemicals used to increase the volume of plastic products without affecting the physical and chemical properties of the product. They are widely used in the production of plastics, water pipes and other plastic products. The most common bulking agents are talc and calcium carbonate.
Part 3: Choosing chemical additives for the plastic industry
To achieve the desired physical and chemical properties of plastic products, we need to choose the right plastic chemical additives. Here are some things to note when choosing additives:
3.1 Properties of plastic products:
It is necessary to clearly determine the properties of plastic products before choosing additives. For example, if we want to produce soft plastic, we need to use an appropriate plastic softener.
3.2 Purpose of use:
Additives have different functions, such as softeners, gloss agents, colorants, volume enhancers, etc. It is necessary to choose additives suitable for the intended use to achieve the desired results. highest efficiency.
3.3 Safety and environmental protection:
Additives need to ensure safety for human health and not harm the environment. You should choose additives of clear origin, produced and supplied by reputable suppliers.
3.4 Suitability with production process:
It is necessary to choose additives suitable for the production process to ensure the efficiency and quality of plastic products.
Additives have different costs and need to be carefully calculated and evaluated before choosing to ensure economic efficiency of the production process.
Part 4: Safety regulations in the use of chemicals in the plastic industry
Using chemicals in the plastic industry needs to comply with safety regulations to ensure safety for human health and the environment. Here are some regulations to keep in mind:
Use additives according to the supplier's instructions and according to the correct manufacturing process.
Wear enough protective equipment such as mask, gloves, chemical resistant jacket,...
Do not eat or drink in areas working with chemicals and do not smoke in areas with toxic gases.
Keep the work area clean and well-ventilated.
Store and transport chemicals properly to avoid accidents and environmental hazards.
Comply with regulations on environmental protection and waste.
Part 5: Frequently asked questions about plastic chemicals
5.1 Do plastic industry chemicals affect health?
Common plastic chemicals used in plastic production have been tested and certified to be safe for human health. However, their use must comply with safety regulations.
5.2 How to choose suitable plastic chemicals for products?
Choosing the right plastic chemical for the product depends on the intended use, physical and chemical properties of the product. To choose the right additive, it is necessary to carefully learn about the properties and applications of each plastic chemical.
5.3 What are plastic industry chemicals?
Plastic chemicals are additives used in plastic production to improve product properties.
Part 6: Summary
In this article, we learned about plastic industry chemicals, the types of chemical additives used in plastic production, and how to choose them for plastic products. Using appropriate plastic chemicals will help increase production efficiency and quality, while ensuring safety for health and the environment. We need to learn and properly apply safety regulations when using chemicals in the plastic industry. Hope this article will help


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